Why Failing and Risk-Taking Are Better Than Perfection

A child climbing a jungle gym at the playground
A child climbing a jungle gym at the playground

Watch the Webinar

Healthy risk-taking offers so many developmental benefits. How can you encourage your child to step outside their comfort zone and face challenges, even if they fail? Join us for a discussion on fostering the persistence to try and the resilience to fail.

Moderator: Claire Goss, Manager Family Education & Resources, Bright Horizons 

A child climbing a jungle gym at the playground
About the Author
Bright Horizons
Bright Horizons
Bright Horizons
In 1986, our founders saw that child care was an enormous obstacle for working parents. On-site centers became one way we responded to help employees – and organizations -- work better. Today we offer child care, elder care, and help for education and careers -- tools used by more than 1,000 of the world’s top employers and that power many of the world's best brands